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come back


Of course, I did not abandoned you! First, there were holidays and then we did not have internet for an entire week..

But (to be forgiven), I am back with 10 new videos on You Tube for the subscribers. I ad the link on the website for the songs you do not know at the herding News.

une berceuse Afriquaine "Toula Toulaba" (an african lullaby "Toula Toulaba")

Sorry for the bad quality, we had a technical problem with the camera so thank you to Octave who recorded with his mobile phone.

I promess, next time will be better!

To conclude: a scoop! We work on a choral adaptation of "Happy" by Phrarrell William. Do I have to say it? This title totally fit with Terre Happy's soul...

Of course, we will do a little chore on it ... hummm you are gonna to like it.

Bye for now!

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